Saturday, October 07, 2006

LA Celebrity Sighting #1 (sorta...)

Since my relocation to Los Angeles a little over a month ago, I had yet to run into a celebrity of any kind, and I was wondering why, given their high concentration in these parts (Westside of LA).

Well, I can finally report that board is no longer scoreless: My ex-girlfriend and I were at the Bagel Broker on Beverly Blvd and Fairfax this morning (GREAT bagel sandwiches!), and when I sat down to join her at the table, she pointed out that I had been waiting in line in front of actor Seth Rogen, known primarily for his role as Steve Carell's hilarious Smart Tech coworker Cal in "The 40 Year Old Virgin":

"You have a framed ASIA poster?!?!"

I was tempted for a moment to go up to him and say "you know how I know you're gay?", but he was accompanied by what looked like a female significant other, and I decided to not bug the man this early in the day on a Saturday morning. Stay put for more sighting reports!


C - Log said...

The Sethster! My hat is off to you.

C - Log said...

He was also great in another Judd Apatow project, the series Freaks and Geeks. Have ye seen it?