Tuesday, November 28, 2006

LA Celebrity Sightings #4-5.5

More sightings from the past couple of weeks as posted on R.'s blog

Dagney Kerr only gets a half point as a pseudo-celebrity; she doesn't even qualify as a D-lister, so that practically makes her a civilian.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Mayonnaise Sleigh

Inject a little Christmas spirit into every-day condiment consumption with this battery-powered sleigh that also holds your favorite mayonnaise, sauce, or spread. Integrated circuitry plays "The First Noel" and "Jingle Bells" repeatedly as the sleigh tours the dinner table in an 18" diameter circle. Keeps kids pretty well occupied.

13 oz.


From the Crastpog Enterprises "Home for the Holidays" Catalog, Christmas 1986.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Best Election Story This Year

One of these lovely lads is now a Democrat Congressman from New York:

Read all about it.

Here's a Dystopia fer Ya

Forget global warming-driven famine or a Chomskyan "Hegemony or Survival" future. Consider this bleak scenario that awaits on the nation's sidewalks and in our grocery-store aisles. Squadrons of mobility-challenged Baby Boomers zooming to and fro on their Hoverounds. Oblivious Gen X and Y parents careering around with their supersized SUV strollers. The odd Segway. Ordinary shoe-leather pedestrians in mortal danger.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Speaking of Election Interference

From yesterday's Los Angeles Times:

" U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez and Paul Trivelli, the US Ambassador in Managua, have also both said that a [Daniel] Ortega victory could prompt cuts in aid from the United States, leading the Sandanistas and others here to denounce outside intereference in the Nicaraguan electoral process"

It was also reported that several GOP congressmen including U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) are asking Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff to "prepare to block people in the U.S. from sending money to Nicaragua should Ortega be elected."

According to the LA Times, "one in five Nicaraguan families depends on money from relatives living abroad for a substantial chunk of income."

I guess threatening people with economic terrorism is one way to interfere with the electoral process of a sovereign nation.

Vote the way we want you to or else...

I wonder what Rep. Rohrabacher would say if an outside nation - one with the kind of economic leverage the U.S. has on Nicaragua - tried to do the same with us?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Mussel Motel

Clams check in, they won't check out. Control household mussel population. Non-toxic.

Item no. MM-4576
$5.95 / pack of 3

From the Crastpog Enterprises "Home for the Holidays" Catalog, Christmas 1986.